DevOpsLinks + DevOpsDays Panamá = ❤

As part of our commitment to supporting the DevOps community everywhere on this planet, I am happy to announce that DevOpsLinks is the community sponsor of DevOpsDays Panamá.

Aymen El Amri

The event will be held on Tuesday, Sep 24, 2019 — Wednesday, Sep 25, 2019.

During these 2 days, the participants will attend interesting conferences, presentations, talks, workshops, and experience sharing about the latest trends and topics in the DevOps ecosystem.

Networking is also part of this conference since participants from different companies, working on different projects and having different backgrounds, will have the opportunity to meet and speak during the networking sessions.

Have Something to Share with your Fellow DevOps?

To take advantage of the different event sections and promote the interchange about the latest trends of DevOps movement, the discussed topics will be about:

  • Software development practices in the DevOps world
  • Velocity, sustainability, technical debt
  • Quantification of productivity, failure and risk metrics
  • Professional development, teaching, training and mentoring
  • Training Junior developers and their transformation on Senior developers
  • Security from Software development
  • Success and failure stories
  • Lean Technology Processes
  • Cloud Technologies
  • Continuous Improvement

Other topics are also accepted (Microservices, Containers, Hiring ..etc).

So, if you have something to share with your fellow DevOps professionals, just send your purpose, DevOpsDays Panama Team will be happy to hear from you !

Interested in Sponsoring the Event?

DevOpsDays is a self-organizing conference for practitioners that depends on sponsorships.

Sponsors have the opportunity to have short elevator pitches during the program and will get recognition on the website and social media before, during and after the event.

Sponsors are encouraged to represent themselves by actively participating and engaging with the attendees as peers.

Any attendee has the opportunity to demo products/projects as part of an open space session.

Gold sponsors get a full table and Silver sponsors a shared table where they can interact with other professionals during breaks.

All attendees are welcome to suggest any subject they want during the open spaces!

If you’re interested in getting valued during this open event, drop an email to . For more information visit the prospectus.

The event will be organized in the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá

Connect Deeper

DevOpsLinks is proudly sponsoring DevOpsDays Panama, join us to get more information about this event and your discount voucher.

If you have a talk you’d like to share with the community during this event or want to sponsor it, drop an email to

DevOpsLinks have been sponsoring different events like Jenkins Community Days or devops REX, DevOpsDays Cuba, FullstackFest and now DevOpsDays Panam.

If you’re looking for more visibility for your DevOps-related event, service or product, we’d be happy to hear from you, join us!

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